
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Qick update!

  This past year has been wonderful! My beautiful Daughter Meira Catherina will be 1yr 1mth on the 8th and I am so super excited! It seems like only yesterday I was TTC her and I will eventually post her VBAC birth story. I will say this, while it wasn't the NUCB/Hypnobirth (natural unmedicated child birth) I wanted it was still beautiful. I think that I can say that because I learned a lot about my body that day and know that a  NUCB/Hypnobirth is still an option for me if I want it. That being said I am currently expecting our third little bundle of christmas joy... you guessed it, ON CHRISTMAS. It will be intresting to see what day He or She decides to join our family. We are not going to find out this time. 

  Jeremy (my DH) and I have asked our cousins Kat and Matt to be Soybean's Godparents. I am honored they both said yes! I hope this time will be much easier with the church because I really do want all of my children raised Catholic. After long talks with Jeremy we feel that its best. Neither of us were raised Catholic, although while I never made my sacrements because of my mother and father, I was brought up in Catholic lifestyle after my parents divorced and I was adopted by my Aunt at the age of 15. He was raised LDS (well loosely) and I talked to him about it and he is adimently against even talking about it. So I have decided to drop it and accept his veiws.

 Wyatt, my little man, is "The Bestest Biggest Brother" any Little Sister could ask for. While yes, they have their brother/sissy moments, he is so protective of her! She is his "best girl" and he loves to teach her new things. Recently he's been trying to teach her to eat with a fork by herself. He tries to show her step by step what to do and is remarkably patient with her for a 4 year old. Wyatt is also my big helper. He likes to help me was dishes, clean (ha ha not really), and he likes to help get things for me. If Stinkerbelle needs a dipe change, he gets the wipes and stuff. Its so cute. I am going to be sad in September when he starts half day pre-school. I feel like my baby is growing up and leaving me behind. Silly but he will always be my first baby. I keep seeing him as my little preemie peanut, not a bike riding, lunch toting preschooler lol!

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