
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A day at North Landz Train Museum

Today was A LOT of fun. We live really close to North Landz so my aunt, her friend Patty, Wyatt, Meira and myself went. It was pretty pricey (13.95 for the adults and 9.95 for Wyatt plus 2.75 for a train ride). This place is HUGE. If you plan on going you need at least two hours. Especially if you go with a little (or big) train buff. I was shocked. This was my first time as well.

Every time a train would go through one the exhibits, Wyatt's eyes would completely light up! It was too cute. At one point he got so excited he screamed like a girl!!! I was in absolute heaven watching him get so caught up in this massive model train set! The details he would notice were remarkable! There was a Mater in one of the displays and i would have never noticed, the trains them selves would have details he would point out and it just made me realize how much he really takes in! I am so proud of my boy!

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