
Monday, June 11, 2012

The clouds came in!

We woke up this morning, the sun was shining and both Wyatt and Meira Catherina had huge smiles on their faces! It was beautiful out, not to mention hot and a little humid. I decided, since our pool is not quite ready to swim in because I can't help Jeremy open it this year, that I would get a little kiddie pool until its open. It will also come in handy when I get bigger and can't get in with out Jeremy's help.

I got a cute pink one since its mostly for Meira, blew it up with a pump and got water in it! Wyatt of course had to test it out (to be a kid again) cold water and all! I told him we could go in when Meira wakes up from her nap. Well what happens as soon as she falls asleep? Out of no where the clouds came rolling in. It's not raining and it's still pretty warm, but I wanted the sun to warm the water a bit. We'll see how this pans out but it's not looking good😒.

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