
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Down today :(

  It started with this morning, I put on a shirt (maternity), and no I'm not showing, but I could not wear it because my boobs were too big. I know it should be good but, I feel anything but. I have lost wight since finding out I'm pregnant, but today I feel gross and huge.

  A good friend help me put things into perspective. I am not going to like what I seen on the mirror (that would be my perspective lol) but she told me to focus on the little baby inside me. See him/her for now, until I am ready to see myself.

  So that is what I will work on. I am also going to try and get on gear at the gym again. I am in the second trimester (I go by real months now pregnancy weeks) so I should start to get my energy back soon. My morning sickness is only an every other day occurrence now.
Well I'm off to bed now, hoping this funk I'm in is just that; a funk. Night.

DIY: Hubby's Shirt to Summer Tank


I decided to do this because I saw this pinned on pinterest. Only problem it wasn't a tutorial, but a link to someone's ETSY store. The shirt wasn't even available for purchase anymore, so I felt like crafting my blues away. It worked.

Things you need:
  • Men's button down shirt pre-washed and 1 sz bigger then you normally wear (unless you are pretty skinny). I used one that fit, and it turned out great, but I would like a little more room down by my booty. Yes, I have one LOL.
  • Sewing machine. You only need the bare basics to sew this.
  • Thick ribbon 
  • Safety Pin 
  • Lighter
I have no true measurement because I just eyeballed it really. I did however use a 1/4' seam and I tried my best to account for that. But the way I cut the shirt made it so I really did not have to account for seam allowance. If  I am confusing you just read on... ;)

I tried to document this as best I could but the lighting in the family room bites.

  1. If you are using a long sleeve shirt, go ahead and cut them shorter. Then cut along the bottom towards the armpit but do not cut into the vertical seam of the sleeve. Once to the vertical seam, cut the sleeve off. The shirt I used had a double seam so I only cut near the very first one in shown in the 3rd square.

2) Pin above and below the first button in the middle of the shirt aligning the part that opens (FYI not the collar button, but the first button of the actual shirt).  I used the pattern of the shirt to use as a guide for where I would cut (about 2" from the top). If you are using a plain shirt use a pencil and a ruler to make your guide. Straight pin across the rest of your shirt so the fabric does not move while you are cutting. See in the image below how I used the pattern on the shirt to cut.
3) In the first picture you will see what I meant about the double seam. I cut next to the first. I then used the second seam as my guide to fold down the fabric for a new seam eliminating a need to figure out seam allowance!!!! Yippee! Just keep straight pinning and the middle of the armpit will bunch a bit but its supposed to. TIP: I worked from each end to the middle of the arm pit. It was easiest and it eliminated "the bunch" for happening any where else.

4) Repeat and Sew. (A picture of the armpit bunch)

5) Here is what I did for the next part, it may differ for you, but it worked out for me. I pinned above and below the button, only going through the front of the shirt this time. and then folded down the front of the shirt, so that the first button was at the top. Straight pinned the center and proceeded to either side. The back side was tricky. Mens shirts have a curve, and some times a seam in the back. My hubby's did, but even though I didn't take that seam into consideration before I cut it worked out perfectly to what needed to be folded down. Make sure you are folding INTO the shirt. It's common sewing sense but just thought I'd add  it. TIP: Even though I just folded down the back in a straight line, it wound up curving naturally, I assume this is because of the seam I used to fold on.

6) Sew. See I made a mistake on the front. Since it will all be bunched together on the ribbon, no one will ever know. Also see how the back curved naturally in the second picture?

7) Almost done. Cut your ribbon. I don't have a ruler so I used about 2.5 arms length. Use the lighter to seal the ends of the ribbon and but the safety pin on one of the ends. This will make threading the ribbon SO much easier. Thread through the back, then the front. I doesn't matter weather you start left or right unless you want the bow in a certain spot. Once you have it threaded through the front and back, put it on and THEN tie the bow. Once you have the bow tied, and the length of the "straps you want, go ahead and have someone help you bunch. the front is easy but the back is difficult to do while wearing. I found even if I took the shirt off, it didn't feel right until I had someone else bunch the back. TIP: when you get to the center of the front, undo the button, separate, then tread the ribbon trough.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Soybean!!!: ultrasound pictures included!

  Soybean was too cute. He/She jumped, wiggled and waved. If you are from my FB and are taking the time to read this then only you will be privy to this info. At the beginning of the scan the tech measured the fluid on the back of the baby's neck. She said there is more then normal, which means there is a risk of our baby being bourn with Down's syndrome.

  Yes this may be the case, but I wont know more until A) blood test comes back (but not exactly sure if the blood test was done for genetics like I originally thought) or B) My appointment in July. I am worried, as any mother would be, but I am comforted at the same time, because the chances our baby will be "normal" are still pretty good. Wyatt had the same thing and he turned out just fine.

Seeing our Soybean at 11:30!!!!

I can't wait!!! I woke up at six a.m. thinking it was time to get up. I am twelve weeks today so this is our first trimester screen. We are also getting the genetic blood testing done today. I don't have to but I did it with my other two. Wyatt because I was a " young mother" and it was suggested to me (?) and Meira Catherina, because I had it done with Wyatt. Even if something were to show up, I would never terminate pregnancy. This baby is a gift from God and as his/her mother it is my job to give him/her a chance at life weather it's for years weeks days or minutes.

Jeremy is excited too. He keeps telling Meira she gets to see pictures or the baby in Mama's belly. She is just like whatever. Wyatt can't wait to see the baby swimming! He came up with that when Meira was about 20 weeks gestation (before seeing an ultrasound), he asked,"How can the baby move in your belly"?

I told him there is water all around the baby to help Baby move an he said "Awe she's swimming"! He insisted I was having a girl from the moment I told him I was going to have a baby. He was right! Now he's saying Soybean is a girl :)

Will post pictures later!!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

The clouds came in!

We woke up this morning, the sun was shining and both Wyatt and Meira Catherina had huge smiles on their faces! It was beautiful out, not to mention hot and a little humid. I decided, since our pool is not quite ready to swim in because I can't help Jeremy open it this year, that I would get a little kiddie pool until its open. It will also come in handy when I get bigger and can't get in with out Jeremy's help.

I got a cute pink one since its mostly for Meira, blew it up with a pump and got water in it! Wyatt of course had to test it out (to be a kid again) cold water and all! I told him we could go in when Meira wakes up from her nap. Well what happens as soon as she falls asleep? Out of no where the clouds came rolling in. It's not raining and it's still pretty warm, but I wanted the sun to warm the water a bit. We'll see how this pans out but it's not looking good😒.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A day at North Landz Train Museum

Today was A LOT of fun. We live really close to North Landz so my aunt, her friend Patty, Wyatt, Meira and myself went. It was pretty pricey (13.95 for the adults and 9.95 for Wyatt plus 2.75 for a train ride). This place is HUGE. If you plan on going you need at least two hours. Especially if you go with a little (or big) train buff. I was shocked. This was my first time as well.

Every time a train would go through one the exhibits, Wyatt's eyes would completely light up! It was too cute. At one point he got so excited he screamed like a girl!!! I was in absolute heaven watching him get so caught up in this massive model train set! The details he would notice were remarkable! There was a Mater in one of the displays and i would have never noticed, the trains them selves would have details he would point out and it just made me realize how much he really takes in! I am so proud of my boy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wyatt is getting so big!

Wyatt is into everything lately. Not in the need to baby proof sort of way, but the stay out of Mommy and Daddy's room sort of way. He seems to have it in his head he is the king of the house and can do whatever he wants now. Today for example. He was playing quietly with his matchbox cars on the floor downstairs where his toys are. Meira was playing with him and I was at the table getting her diapy bag ready for Meira's Dr. Apt and he snuck upstairs! I told him to come down and asked him why he snuck upstairs instead of asking. He said,

"You would've said no"!

I tried so hard not to laugh at the look that said "DUH". I told, him trying to hold back the huge smile fighting to stay back, that I would say no because I like for him to stay where I can see him. He said fine and went back to his cars. I love my boy so much!


Well that was a waste of time! We saw the PA ( ugh ). She said that we need to go to the allergist, duh! And then she went on to tell me I probably over reacted!!!! Really!? My baby was covered in hive and having diarrhea! The ER docs all said I reacted promptly and did what I could. Lets just say that waiting an hour after our apt for this yahoo, means one unhappy prego mama!

Possible peanut allergy: Meira's trip to the ER

Yesterday was the day we tried Peanut Butter for the first time. Our Dr ok'd it since peanut allergies are not common on my side of the family and not to severe on DH's. Now I have heard of people actually putting PB on their kids first and my Dr, looked at me like I had two heads. She had PB on a English muffin, and loved it. She tasted it before and never had any problems so I wasn't looking for any!

Looking back now, around 12:00 she became very cranky and clingy. It seemed odd to me but I chalked it up to the diaper rash she woke up with after her morning nap. That was the first sign and I wish I had known! I feel like such a horrible mom!

Fast forward to dinner. She was cranky really didn't want to eat and she just wanted to be held. She started tugging at her dress like she wanted it off so I let took it off and noticed she was red and splotchy, I knew right away what could be happening and called the dr. They said give her bennadryl and get her to the hospital. I looked quickly and could not find bennadryl. At that point Jeremy came home and i noticed her splotches turned to hives and we brought her to the ER, we literally live two minutes away, she had no breathing problems so I didn't feel an ambulance was necessary. When we got to the ER we were brought straight to a room and her eyes were red and a bit swollen. After they realized she had no breathing problems we began the infamous Hunterdon Medical Center wait!

It got scary a little while later she began to try scratching her mouth, and then she got her steroids. She threw them up and began itching her mouth again so they gave her a shot of steroids. She got bennadryl and I swear the nurses must get afraid when they are around moms because I had to give her both the oral steroids and bennadryl! Seriously?

Anyway once she got her bennadryl four 3 hrs later we were free to go! To me the poor kid was so itchy she should have had it sooner. At least now I have some in the diaper bad along with peanut free snacks, epi pens and sanitizing wipes for hands and surfaces when we are out.

I will update after her dr apt.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Little Stinkerbelle Nursing

  It saddens me that I am not cut out for tandum nursing. While I gave it my best go, I nursed her exclusively with out solids to 6 months, and with solids to 12 months and now as we aproach 13 months she only nurses in the morning, before bed, and if she wakes up in the middle of the night we co-sleep so she latches then. So I guess I am still qualified as Tandum Nursing. Unless she weans completely before Soybean is born.

  My HG has let up so much since we weaned a bit. Only one trip to the hospital after my hospitalization. I feel a lot better and my body is thanking me, although I am still losing weight. This pregnancy is by far the hardest. I really think its a boy but I haven't gotten that definate "feeling" yet. I am 11 weeks and 1 day, so I should be getting it soon. I usually get it between 12 & 14 weeks. :)

Qick update!

  This past year has been wonderful! My beautiful Daughter Meira Catherina will be 1yr 1mth on the 8th and I am so super excited! It seems like only yesterday I was TTC her and I will eventually post her VBAC birth story. I will say this, while it wasn't the NUCB/Hypnobirth (natural unmedicated child birth) I wanted it was still beautiful. I think that I can say that because I learned a lot about my body that day and know that a  NUCB/Hypnobirth is still an option for me if I want it. That being said I am currently expecting our third little bundle of christmas joy... you guessed it, ON CHRISTMAS. It will be intresting to see what day He or She decides to join our family. We are not going to find out this time. 

  Jeremy (my DH) and I have asked our cousins Kat and Matt to be Soybean's Godparents. I am honored they both said yes! I hope this time will be much easier with the church because I really do want all of my children raised Catholic. After long talks with Jeremy we feel that its best. Neither of us were raised Catholic, although while I never made my sacrements because of my mother and father, I was brought up in Catholic lifestyle after my parents divorced and I was adopted by my Aunt at the age of 15. He was raised LDS (well loosely) and I talked to him about it and he is adimently against even talking about it. So I have decided to drop it and accept his veiws.

 Wyatt, my little man, is "The Bestest Biggest Brother" any Little Sister could ask for. While yes, they have their brother/sissy moments, he is so protective of her! She is his "best girl" and he loves to teach her new things. Recently he's been trying to teach her to eat with a fork by herself. He tries to show her step by step what to do and is remarkably patient with her for a 4 year old. Wyatt is also my big helper. He likes to help me was dishes, clean (ha ha not really), and he likes to help get things for me. If Stinkerbelle needs a dipe change, he gets the wipes and stuff. Its so cute. I am going to be sad in September when he starts half day pre-school. I feel like my baby is growing up and leaving me behind. Silly but he will always be my first baby. I keep seeing him as my little preemie peanut, not a bike riding, lunch toting preschooler lol!