
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder

I have to take Meira to a Nureologist. I brang up some concerns I had (thinking they were food related because that was what I was told when she was 6 months), and her Dr said she needs to be tested.

Doing my research I know that 18 months is when they get "tested" or it is around here anyway. I am concerned and worried but what parent doesn't obsess over their child. I am hurting for my baby, and I wish that I could fix this. I know nothing about what she may be going through and that bothers me.

Here are the Dr's  (and more importantly mine) concerns.

*When ever she is tired, hungry, over whelmed etc, she will go ridged and rock. The only way to get her to stop is hugging her tight or removing her from the situation all together. She does this with objects as well. She will get focused on making the craying color like her big brother is. If she can't do it she will do the rocking routine while trying to do so (she's frustrated). She also likes tight small places like boxes. She could sit in them for hours.

*She started using words very early. By 6 months she could say Dada, car, block, ball, wyatt (her brother's name) and other one sylable words. Now she can say 7. Wyatt, Daddy, Mama (just said it two weeks ago for the first time) and side (outside), eyes (she is obseed with "The eye book"), and uh-oh. She used to beable to say things like Hi dada, i did it!, and other spontaneous two word sentences.

*Only ever rolled over once as a baby. Has done it a couple times since turing 13 months but that is it.

*Never crawled. She either scooted or did this weird one legged crawl, then went to walking at about 13 months. It was honestly like she didn't want the floor touching her knees.

*She can't tell when she is full. (I assume. Either that or she focuses on food or can't taste it.)

*She will point and grunt at what she wants, wont use word or sign language at all, but when she feels like it she will babble.

*There are other behavioral and social issues as well. Like angery out bursts and becoming catotonic in public places or around unfamiliar people. It took her a full 13 months to let my Aunt Terrie hold her. We live with her and see her everyday. Even family we see often she wont go to.

I know very little to nothing about ASD so I can't really know if these are red flags or if my dr is just trying to rule everything out to ease my concerns. It's out of my hands and in Heavenly Father's, but I can't help feeling so sad and hurt for her. I feel like it's somehow my fault. I rationally know it's not, but it feels that way.